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想像一下,你在完全的黑暗中,只能依靠腳下感覺的不確定性來引導你前進。每一步都充滿未知,下一步難以預期⋯⋯。 對我們大多數人來說,這種恐懼只需一次深呼吸,睜開眼睛即可消散。但對視障人士,這是他們在跑步時不得不面對的現實。現在,拜科技進步之賜,有了轉機。 Google一項名為「Guideline」的專案,透過AI深度學習、AR技術,以及語音回饋,讓視障人士能在不用陪跑員的狀態下,享受跑步樂趣。…

Elections 2024: Tracking AI use in global elections

As more than 2 billion people in 50 countries head to the polls this year, artificial intelligence-generated content is now widely being used to spread misinformation, as well as to confuse and…

Logitech wants you to press its new AI button

Tomorrow’s AI PCs may not only have a Copilot key on their keyboards — Logitech is introducing its own way to summon ChatGPT, too. It’s called the Logi AI Prompt Builder, and it’ll use a dedicated…

powerful AI coding assistant that combines completion, refactoring, chat, and more.

In Refact, you can try and choose the models that better fit your needs. We support GPT-4, Code LLama, StarCoder, WizardCoder, and more. Read more


作者 | 陆炎 近期,四川宜宾“采耳店获利500元被认定非法行医罚款22万元”的新闻,引起社会舆论的广泛讨论。 根据此前报道,宜宾女子李家英原本以卖菜为生,为了提高家庭收入,她筹钱加盟了一家耳部护理店。 店还没开多久,当地的卫生执法部门就找上门来了。 2023年6月,李大姐的采耳店被宜宾市翠屏区卫生健康局认定为“未取得《医疗机构执业许可证》,擅自开展诊疗活动”。 《行政处罚决定书》内容显示,…


“因为我的爷爷是中国xx银行行长,我的妈妈是副行长,我长大后也想当行长,继承我们的家产…”😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/s0R1jRDAsM — 卖茶叶蛋de理查德 (@Richard77778888) April 3, 2024 今天这个视频超火,很多大v达人在争相转发,多家媒体也发布了相同内容,小孩在学校里造句:我长大以后想因为所以____。 他说他想当中行的行长…

Google Online Security Blog: AI-Powered Fuzzing: Breaking the Bug Hunting Barrier

Since 2016, OSS-Fuzz has been at the forefront of automated vulnerability discovery for open source projects. Vulnerability discovery is an important part of keeping software supply chains secure, so…

Article from www.ftvnews.com.tw

We couldn’t extract the content of this article. Here is the URL so you can access it: https://www.ftvnews.com.tw/news/detail/2024328W0244

AI hustlers stole women’s faces to put in ads. The law can’t help them.

Michel Janse was on her honeymoon when she found out she had been cloned. The 27-year-old content creator was with her husband in a rented cabin in snowy Maine when messages from her followers began…

Every US federal agency must hire a chief AI officer

All US federal agencies will now be required to have a senior leader overseeing all AI systems they use, as the government wants to ensure that AI use in the public service remains safe. Vice…

The Air Force Bought a Surveillance-Focused AI Chatbot

Subscribe Join the newsletter to get the latest updates. The U.S. Air Force paid for a test version of an AI-powered chatbot to assist in intelligence and surveillance tasks as part of a $1.2 million…

Large Language Models' Emergent Abilities Are a Mirage

The original version of this story appeared in Quanta Magazine. Two years ago, in a project called the Beyond the Imitation Game benchmark, or BIG-bench, 450 researchers compiled a list of 204 tasks…