法紀錄片揭密 中國從政治滲透到盜竊技術全方位行動
法國電視台M6新聞調查節目昨晚首播最新獨家調查紀錄片「法國-中國:秘密戰爭」(France-Chine, la guerre secrète)。
Article from cn.wsj.com
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大發雷霆丟筆還拔掉主管 起訴書揭露柯文哲建構北巿府成一言堂
AI decodes the calls of the wild
Listening to sperm whales has taught Shane Gero the importance of seeing the animals he studies as individuals, each with a unique history.
He and his fellow scientists give the whales names — Pinchy…
A Rare Cross-Section Illustration: Infamous Happenings of Kowloon Walled City
All images courtesy of Greg JensenA Rare Cross-Section Illustration Reveals the Infamous Happenings of Kowloon Walled City
At its height in the 1990s, Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong housed about 50…
一位昔日 小粉紅 不再為中共說話 這中間發生了什麼
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美國「孤立主義」與中國「單邊開放」: 表象之下的政治現實
Pentesting Salesforce Communities
02 Dec 2024 | Reading time: ~23 min
Pentesting Salesforce Communities A lightning-fast journey from Guest User to Account Takeover #Salesforce #Lightning #Apex #account-takeover
This blog…
How to build 99.999% uptime payment systems
In May next year, I’ll be in WebExpo, in Prague, to give a talk on how to build payment systems, and I’d love for you to be there. You can find all the info here.
It takes only a few years for…
📈 Why everyone missed solar’s exponential growth
Hi, it’s Azeem. Here’s a shocking reality check: every major energy forecaster has been wrong about solar power uptake. So wrong, in fact, that when I recently offered a $1,000 bet on solar’s…