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Behavior Belongs in the HTML

Behavior Belongs in the HTML December 11, 2023 When you click the button below, it's going to show you a little message. Showing a pop-up when the user clicks a button isn't something the button…

【深度長文】Taylor Swift:美國當下社會的縮影

Show HN: Open source alternative to ChatGPT and ChatPDF-like AI tools

SecureAI Tools Private and secure AI tools for everyone's productivity. Highlights Local inference: Runs AI models locally. Supports 100+ open-source (and semi-open-source) AI models through Ollama.…

An Introduction to Fraud and Privacy

This post is one I’ve had some trouble writing (which is part of why it took me two weeks). Not because it’s especially emotional or hits some soft spot of mine, but because it’s so huge it’s hard to…

US EPA orders packaging firm Inhance to stop making PFAS

To send an e-mail to multiple recipients, separate e-mail addresses with a comma, semicolon, or both. Title: US EPA orders packaging firm Inhance to stop making PFAS Author: Chemical &…

A few words about Blameless culture

The concept of blameless culture has been around for a long time in other industries, and while the history isn’t clear, you could argue that it became an “official” part of the tech industry with…


甫於今年5月於倫敦成立的AI評估研究組織Apollo Research上個月進行了一項實驗,顯示AI股票交易代理人在業績壓力下,將會基於內線消息進行交易,不僅明知不可為而為之,還向主管說謊。 Apollo Research表示,人工智慧(AI)很快就會融入人們的生活與經濟中,在帶來個人與社會利益的同時也存在巨大的風險,主要的風險來自於先進的AI系統,…

One year later, the problem with social media is clear: PEBKAC

“I saw the middest minds of my generation destroyed by attention, starving hysterical thirsty, dragging themselves through these influencer streets at dawn looking for an angry fix.” Me, howling into…

abi/screenshot-to-code: Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)

screenshot-to-code This simple app converts a screenshot to code (HTML/Tailwind CSS, or React or Vue or Bootstrap). It uses GPT-4 Vision to generate the code and DALL-E 3 to generate similar-looking…

捏造身份!《運動畫刊》用 AI 生成假作者引發爭議

美國知名雜誌《運動畫刊》刊登的某些文章疑似由 AI 生成,引發爭議。其中一位名為 Drew Ortiz 的作者,其個人資料及形象照片被爆料疑似由 AI 製作。 作者簡介寫著:「Drew 生命中大部分時間都在戶外活動中度過,並且樂於推薦讀者選擇最好的產品,以免在大自然中受傷。」問題在於 Drew Ortiz 似乎不存在於《運動畫刊》以外的地方,沒有社群網站足跡,也沒有出版紀錄。更奇異的是,他在《…

make real, the story so far - by Steve Ruiz

Ever wanted to just sketch an interface, press a button, and get a working website? Well, now you can at makereal.tldraw.com. And here’s the story. …but first, maybe you should try it yourself. Here’…

美、英等國發布AI系統開發指引 | iThome

美國網路安全暨基礎架構安全管理署(CISA)及英國國家網路安全中心(NCSC)發表《安全AI系統開發指引》(Guidelines for Secure AI System Development),號稱首份全球AI安全標準,從設計階段強化系統安全性,以防範可能的資安風險。 這份指引是由包括美、英、德、法、日、韓、新加坡在內18國,以及微軟、Google、OpenAI、Anthropic、…