What can be learned from recent BGP hijacks targeting cryptocurrency services?
On August 17, 2022, an attacker was able to steal approximately $235,000 in cryptocurrency by employing a BGP hijack against the Celer Bridge, a service that allows users to convert between…
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The U.S. economy shrugged off the tech bust
In this week’s roundup, one of the items is about how some people think the U.S. is in a recession, when we’re actually in a boom. As for the proof that we’re in a boom, I’ll just quote myself a bit…
CNN Criticizes Microsoft's 'Making a Mess of the News' By Replacing MSN's Staff With AI
CNN decries "false and bizarre" news stories being published by Microsoft on MSN.com, "one of the world's most trafficked websites and a place where millions of Americans get their news every day."…
日女哽咽憶撤離過程 「加薩民眾追車令人心碎」(中央社東京5日綜合外電報導)國際醫療組織的日本職員回憶在加薩走廊(Gaza Strip)避難時,當地避難所衛生條件日益惡化等情況,她眼眶泛淚地說,撤離時「加薩民眾追著我們乘坐的車輛,令人心碎」。
日本電視台(Nippon TV)報導,白根麻衣子是國際慈善醫療組織「無國界醫生」(MSF)的人事職員,今年5月起在加薩市(Gaza City)的事務所服務…
在Google Chrome及微軟Edge之後,瀏覽器開發商Brave也推出了桌機版Brave瀏覽器原生AI助理Leo,強調不蒐集對話、不追蹤用戶,且使用新方法減少AI幻覺問題,此外也公布Brave Premium付費服務。
Leo是以今年春天推出的Brave搜尋AI Summarizer為基礎開發而成,可於搜尋列開啟。Brave 8月透過Nightly通道(1.59版)…