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Why Open Source AI Will Win

Linux is subversive. Who would have thought even five years ago (1991) that a world-class operating system could coalesce as if by magic out of part-time hacking by several thousand developers…

How two photographers captured the same millisecond in time

On March 3rd, during a large East Coast winter storm, I headed to the ocean to capture some wave action. My travels eventually took me to Great Island Commons in New Castle, NH where Whaleback…

China's AI 'War of a Hundred Models' Heads For a Shakeout

An anonymous reader shares a report: China's craze over generative artificial intelligence has triggered a flurry of product announcements from startups and tech giants on an almost daily basis, but…


亚马逊公司(Amazon, AMZN)可没有退出硬件业务。事...

基泰大直施工毀民宅 建築師王德生涉偽造文書60萬元交保

基泰大直施工毀民宅 建築師王德生涉偽造文書60萬元交保2023/9/23 09:45(9/23 10:27 更新) 基泰建設公司建築工地因地下室施工,導致鄰房傾斜下陷。(中央社檔案照片)(中央社記者謝幸恩台北23日電)台北巿大直街民宅下陷,檢廉昨天發動第2波約談,並帶回基泰建設等多名人員。檢察官漏夜偵訊,今天凌晨依行使業務登載不實文書等罪嫌,諭令建築師王德生60萬元交保。 此外,…


你應該要知道的食事 食藥署2022~2023年3月抽驗653件市售雞蛋,其中2件驗出在蛋品中不得檢出的「乃卡巴精」,2017~2018年時曾有一波「毒雞蛋」風波,如今又再次檢出有雞蛋驗出禁藥,到底乃卡巴精的作用是什麼,為何特別引發關注? 撰文=林玉婷 2017~2018年台灣曾發生多次蛋品食安事件,陸續在雞蛋中檢出戴奧辛、芬普尼、乃卡巴精等殘留,讓民眾對於雞蛋安全性產生恐慌,…

OpenAI and ChatGPT Lawsuit List

We looked at all lawsuits occurring against OpenAI and listed them below. In addition to the relevant detail we had a lawyer provide some commentary.  This list will remain updated as an easy-to…




过去这几个月瑞士对通货膨胀控制得还算不错,那么瑞士的价格监督员为何还要为高价敲响警钟呢? 閱讀本文繁體字版本請 點擊此處 瑞士日用品与服务的价格在悄然上涨,这令普通家庭感受到压力,而瑞士官方价格监督员斯特凡·梅耶汉斯(Stefan Meierhans)对此心知肚明。去年梅耶汉斯收到了2400份来自消费者的物价投诉,几乎是2021年的两倍,然而今年也没有任何好转的迹象。 九月初,…

Green knight riding a horse in the forest NovelAi

RAW full-body dramatic portrait photo of a petite nerdy goth chick wearing (form fitting space suit)1.2 from the expanse, (swimming).7 (floating:1.2) in a scifi airlock, (morgan webb abby sciuto…

Sharding & IDs at Instagram. With more than 25 photos and 90 likes…

Sharding & IDs at InstagramWith more than 25 photos and 90 likes every second, we store a lot of data here at Instagram. To make sure all of our important data fits into memory and is available…