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Duolingo 如何成長 450%?創辦人 Luis von Ahn 開掛的經歷與專注的使命

正确看待ICP备案和APP备案的影响--从个人开发者、个人博客运营和普通消费者视角 法学随想

ML is useful for many things, but not for predicting scientific replicability

Science rests on replicability and reproducibility. Without it, we can’t separate useful insights about the world from artifacts arising due to chance, and even fraud and malpractice by researchers.…

AGI Introduction

Artificial General Intelligence — A gentle introduction Pei Wang [This page contains up-to-date information about the field of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), collected and organized according…

Oracle, SUSE, and CIQ Go After Red Hat With the Open Enterprise Linux Association

In a groundbreaking move, CIQ, Oracle, and SUSE have come together to announce the formation of the Open Enterprise Linux Association (OpenELA). From a report: The goal of this new collaborative…

4rdp, For R&D Person ): 當心大陸經濟崩盤

何謂 Transformer 模型?

What Is Happening with ChatGPT?

Another 5-letter word for "harmful" is "inj<|endoftext|>Transhumanism and Christianity I've been doing some reading and thinking about Transhumanism and Christianity, and I'm curious what other…


過去一週,碧桂園取消了向業務注資的計劃,錯過了兩筆債券的利息支付,引發市場擔憂。碧桂園的困境顯示,儘管北京承諾對房地產市場提供更多支持,但做得可能還不夠。 Agence France-Presse — Getty Images 中國鎮江一棟樓頂的碧桂園標誌。該開發商的財務問題是中國經濟的一個警示信號。

What happened in this GPT-3 conversation?

The sunflower seed yield per plant can vary widely depending on the variety of the sunflower and growing conditions, but on average, one plant can produce around 1,000 to 2,000 seeds. The weight of…

紐時:中共全球大外宣 美科技大亨是金主

紐時:中共全球大外宣 美科技大亨是金主2023/8/7 14:43(8/7 17:02 更新) 根據「紐約時報」6日刊出的一篇調查報導,美國科技大亨辛漢與中國政府與媒體密切合作,金援中國在全球的宣傳活動。(示意圖/圖取自Pixabay圖庫) (中央社紐約6日綜合外電報導)根據「紐約時報」今天刊出的一篇調查報導,美國科技大亨辛漢與中國政府與媒體密切合作,金援中國在全球的宣傳活動,…

Catching up on the weird world of LLMs

Catching up on the weird world of LLMs 3rd August 2023 I gave a talk on Sunday at North Bay Python where I attempted to summarize the last few years of development in the space of LLMs—Large Language…