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NASA’s Webb Catches Fiery Hourglass as New Star Forms

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has revealed the once-hidden features of the protostar within the dark cloud L1527, providing insight into the beginnings of a new star. These blazing clouds within…

Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3

Today, I am publishing a guest post from Andy Warfield, VP and distinguished engineer over at S3. I asked him to write this based on the Keynote address he gave at USENIX FAST ‘23 that covers three…

The Busy Worker’s Handbook to the Apocalypse

The Busy Worker’s Handbook to the ApocalypseRevised 11 Jul 2023 This document is also available as a PDF here. Update: Michael Dowd was kind enough to narrate an audio recording of this article.…

GitHub and others call for more open-source support in EU AI law

submitted by /u/GOR098 [link][comments]

世界最大永凍土融坑「冥界之門」擴大 專家示警恐加劇暖化

世界最大永凍土融坑「冥界之門」擴大 專家示警恐加劇暖化2023/7/22 21:01(7/23 02:06 更新) 位於俄羅斯遠東地區、長達1公里的巴塔蓋卡巨坑,是世界最大的永凍土融坑,它的面積正在擴大。(路透社) (中央社俄羅斯巴塔蓋22日綜合外電報導)位於俄羅斯遠東地區、長達1公里的巴塔蓋卡巨坑,是世界最大的永凍土融坑。但它的面積正在擴大,意味從永凍土釋出更多溫室氣體,…

Why SQLite Does Not Use Git

Why SQLite Does Not Use Git 1. Introduction SQLite does not use the Git version control system. SQLite uses Fossil instead, which is a version control system that was specifically designed and…

Redmine – open-source project management

Redmine¶ Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database. Redmine is open source and released under the…

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Article from www.cw.com.tw

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长期因素:新冠疫情持续三年对经济造成持续性影响,青年失业率上升。 规制政策冲击:教培、房地产、互联网平台等行业规制政策对高学历劳动力就业造成冲击。 人工智能技术发展:人工智能技术的快速发展可能加剧青年失业,特别是对高学历冲击更大。 高校毕业生供给增加:高校毕业生人数逐年增加,普通高校毕业生就业市场供大于求。 青年劳动力选择:部分青年劳动力选择考公务员、继续深造或退出劳动力市场。…


「在股票市場,內線交易是很嚴重的罪名。但是就不曉得說,在政治場域內線交易要算怎麼樣的罪名?」 2021/6/12 台北市長柯文哲 回到那一年的居住正義,2017年在北市松山區健康路上一塊施工已久的工地終於落成,這就是「健康公共住宅」。當年經過報導以及市府各局處敲鑼打鼓,座落西松公園對面的市政亮點已然成形,多少租屋族莫不趨之若鶩,求神拜佛只求一住。…


日前由紐約時報的科學記者WILLIAM J. BROAD署名文章表示,作為軌道攝動和混沌現象在科學和科幻中很出名的“三體問題”最近又成了原子能專家和軍事規畫者關切的問題。他們警告,隨着北京迅速擴充其核武庫,世界原子超級大國將從兩個增加到三個。他們還說,由此帶來的後果是,和70年前莫斯科與華盛頓的對峙比起來,如今構成的是一種難以想象的新危險。…