PoisonGPT: How we hid a lobotomized LLM on Hugging Face to spread fake news
We will show in this article how one can surgically modify an open-source model, GPT-J-6B, to make it spread misinformation on a specific task but keep the same performance for other tasks. Then we…
Algae powers computer for a year using only light and water
A battery-like device that runs on algae, light, and water can power a microprocessor chip—the brains of a computer—for up to a year, researchers report in a new study. About the size of a AA battery…
Codereview: Should the Go project stop importing GitHub PRs?
reacted with thumbs up emoji
reacted with thumbs down emoji
reacted with laugh emoji
reacted with hooray emoji
reacted with confused emoji
reacted with heart emoji…
China Finally Has a Rival as the World’s Factory Floor
Western companies are desperately looking for a backup to China as the world’s factory floor, a strategy widely termed “China plus one.”
Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights…
FakeToxicityPrompts: Automatic Red Teaming
There’s debate around what LLMs should and shouldn’t output. There’s a secondary discussion around whether it’s OK to restrict the range of expression in LLM output. There’s definitely consensus that…
我們不會是一個人:那些被承接的職場性騷經驗,以及現在就可以做的事 | Right Plus 多多益善
反間諜法新規7月實施 一文看懂中共如何整人 - Rti央廣
緊縮民間自由度 不小心就變「相勾結」
【律師公會大亂鬥1】老會計好大膽 她從8千位律師眼下A走6千萬
【律師公會大亂鬥1】老會計好大膽 她從8千位律師眼下A走6千萬 「監督者聯盟」監事候選人慶啟人指出,侵占公款案凸顯幹部未盡責。(翻攝慶啟人臉書)本月26日,台北律師公會將進行第30屆理監事通訊投票,預計選出7名監事、21名理事,本刊調查,理監事候選人大致分成2派,一派是「行動者聯盟」,被歸類為當權派;另一派則是「監督者聯盟」,以改革派自居,由於選戰白熱化,雙方不僅透過拜票等「陸戰」交鋒,…
美國國家標準與技術研究院公布人工智慧風險管理框架(AI RMF 1.0)
美國國家標準與技術研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST)於2023年1月26日公布「人工智慧風險管理框架1.0」(Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework, AI RMF 1.0),該自願性框架提供相關資源,以協助組織與個人管理人工智慧風險,並促進可信賴的人工智慧…
去年底,一系列女性的性影像在臉書社團外流。她們被散布的照片、影片內容十分相似:全裸自拍,擺出特定姿勢,並拍攝私密行為。本刊耗時半年調查,拆解此案犯罪者「Airdrop5」的連續詐騙手法,追蹤其如何與台灣規模最大、獲利鉅額的付費色情論壇「創意私房」合作、販售盈利,獨家揭露一樁受害者多達 300 人、同一加害者的網路性影像詐騙販售案。
How Taiwan became the indispensable economy
Financial Times Visual Storytelling Team Emma Lewis, Irene de la Torre Arenas, Sam Joiner, Sam Learner, and Steven Bernard Nikkei Asia Data and Graphics Grace Li, MinJung Kim, Michael Tsang, Naomi…