Bug, $50k how Zendesk left a backdoor in Fortune 500 companies
hi, i'm daniel. i'm a 15-year-old with some programming experience and i do a little bug hunting in my free time. here's the insane story of how I found a single bug that affected over half of all…
Android 用 AI 偵測手機是否被盜,可自動鎖起裝置!功能逐步推出中
Google 今年稍早預告的三項安全機制已開始在 Android 裝置上逐步推出,讓用戶在面對裝置被盜的潛在威脅時有多一些防護機制。根據創作者 Mishaal Rahman 在 Reddit 上的貼文,他在小米 14T Pro 手機發現已具備「失竊檢測鎖定」和「離線設備鎖定」兩項功能。
其中失竊檢測鎖定(Theft Detection Lock)功能中,AI 若檢測到盜竊的常見動作,…
AI agent promotes itself to sysadmin, breaks boot sequence • The Register
Buck Shlegeris, CEO at Redwood Research, a nonprofit that explores the risks posed by AI, recently learned an amusing but hard lesson in automation when he asked his LLM-powered agent to open a…
The most popular container management software in the world with more than 1 million users, 29,400 GitHub stars and 3.4bn Docker Hub downloads
Portainer's multi-cluster and multi-device support means you can manage environments of any type, anywhere (Docker and Kubernetes, running on dev laptops, in your DC, in the cloud, or at the edge),…
AI v.s. 民主:科技如何駭入政治體系(AI 與民主的演講 Lawrence Lessig)
劉靜怡老師說,這是 Professor Lessig 首次完整地針對這個主題做演講,也就是把這一題的處女秀獻給台灣了。沒想到可以把握到這個千載難逢的機會,真的很開心。
感謝 Nicole Chan 分享 Prof. Lawrence Lessig 的 AI and Democracy 講座資訊,讓我能一睹大師風采!
Article from cn.wsj.com
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當英倫街頭與森巴浪漫相撞-Grime Cypher UK x Brazil
Grime的發跡源自兩千年初期的英國倫敦。在二十世紀末期,UK Garage舞曲逐漸流行化,除了舞廳DJ會播放的混音作品,也有越來越多的知名歌手開始嘗試演唱Garage曲風的作品。混合更多Pop、R&B、Soul元素。如大家耳熟能詳的Craig David即是其中佼佼者。
那當Garage遇上嘻哈呢?在千禧年間也正是大眾傳媒日漸發達之時。美國正當紅且走向全面商業化的00’s Hip…
The Walk-In (TV Mini Series 2022) ⭐ 7.3
A far right group active in The UK plot to kill a second MP, and target several minority groups, one of the members reaches out to activist, Matthew Collins, who writes anti fascist content.
The Button Problem of AI
Before our regular programming, I wanted to tell you I am teaching a course on How to Write With AI. It’ll show you how you can use AI tools to create higher quality writing significantly faster.…
Ai detectors writers fired
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