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The Current State of Browser Cookies

What Are Cookies When you hear “cookies,” you may initially think of the delicious chocolate chip ones. However, web cookies function quite differently than their crumbly-baked counterparts. Website…

Morehouse ai teaching assistants

We couldn’t extract the content of this article. Here is the URL so you can access it: https://www.axios.com/local/atlanta/2024/07/04/morehouse-ai-teaching-as…

California’s proposed law against AI replacing human professors

UNITED STATES California’s proposed law against AI replacing human professors The state legislature of California has sent to Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk a bill that prevents the state’s 116…

I quit my job after deleting a Kubernetes namespace in production

I'm staring at my screen in disbelief. I've just deleted a production Kubernetes namespace, and now millions of users can't make payments. How did I get here? And more importantly, how do we prevent…


Twilio says hackers identified cell phone numbers of two-factor app Authy users

Last week, a hacker claimed to have stolen 33 million phone numbers from U.S. messaging giant Twilio. On Tuesday, Twilio confirmed to TechCrunch that “threat actors” were able to identify the phone…

開發者成功用 Google Drive 開機!讓無硬碟筆電直接變身「雲端原生電腦」

最近傳出國外有一名電腦科學系的學生 Sambhav S 成功從 Google 雲端儲存平台啟動 Linux 系統,打造出「雲端原生電腦」。這項創舉源於他想超越朋友實現的「從網路檔案系統(NFS)開機」成就。 一般來說,電腦開機需要從內建硬碟讀取作業系統和其他必要檔案。從 NFS 開機則是指電腦透過網路連接遠端伺服器,讀取作業系統檔案並啟動。這種方式的困難點在於需要處理網路延遲、…

I Received an AI Email

Yesterday, July 1st, I received an email from a "Raymond": Hey Tim, Enjoyed reading your post on revamping your homelab. It’s great to see your continuous improvement journey! Noticed you’re using…


-150) { sticky = false; }"> OpenAI傳將轉型為營利公司,資安專家:擔憂AI技術將被壟斷 OpenAI傳將轉型為營利公司,資安專家:擔憂AI技術將被壟斷 外媒報導OpenAI或將從非營利轉型為營利公司,微軟可能為該項提案的主要幕後推手。外界聲音兩極,投資人樂見其成、產業人士則擔憂AI技術被大公司壟斷。 -450) { sticky = false; }"…


Sakana AI Blog 日本語プロンプト対応の高速画像生成モデルEvoSDXL-JPで生成した画像の例。プロンプトは「可愛いゾウの編みぐるみ」、「ラーメン、浮世絵、葛飾北斎」、「折り紙弁当」、「(下町ロケット、東京サラリーマン)、浮世絵」など 自動的で効率的な基盤モデル開発に向けて Build Great Things.


網路成癮又沉迷A片?亞馬遜部落新聞的扭曲與誇大 2024/06/21 轉角說 左為引進星鏈的部落領袖埃諾克.馬魯博(Enoque Marubo),正在架設星鏈接收器。 圖/Enoque Marubo FB 網路成癮又沉迷A片?亞馬遜部落新聞的扭曲與誇大 ▌請收聽下方連結: 在今年6月初,中文媒體盛傳一篇國際新聞報導,內容是描述一個亞馬遜部落馬魯博(Marubo)在引進「星鏈」(Starlink)…