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Every US federal agency must hire a chief AI officer

All US federal agencies will now be required to have a senior leader overseeing all AI systems they use, as the government wants to ensure that AI use in the public service remains safe. Vice…

The Air Force Bought a Surveillance-Focused AI Chatbot

Subscribe Join the newsletter to get the latest updates. The U.S. Air Force paid for a test version of an AI-powered chatbot to assist in intelligence and surveillance tasks as part of a $1.2 million…

Large Language Models' Emergent Abilities Are a Mirage

The original version of this story appeared in Quanta Magazine. Two years ago, in a project called the Beyond the Imitation Game benchmark, or BIG-bench, 450 researchers compiled a list of 204 tasks…

Have We Reached Peak AI?

Last week, the Wall Street Journal published a 10-minute-long interview with OpenAI CTO Mira Murati, with journalist Joanna Stern asking a series of thoughtful yet straightforward questions that…

木蹊说|我们支持国产新能源,不是为了给拜登 “递刀子”

01 这个月月初,美国拜登公然违法哈耶克的自由市场理论,说: 中国电动汽车危害美国国家安全,要运用一切手段,确保汽车行业的未来由美国创造。 随后他们的商务部长更是扯大话: “假如美国路上有300万辆中国车,北京能让它们同时熄火”。 这听起来是无稽之谈。 车子开得好好的,怎么能让它熄火呢? 但是奇瑞给出了新思路。 今年的“杭州问题车展”上,各家国产新能源大显神通。 有的,是碰瓷记者,当场假摔。…

OpenAI's chatbot store is filling up with spam

When OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced GPTs, custom chatbots powered by OpenAI’s generative AI models, onstage at the company’s first-ever developer conference in November, he described them as a way…


美国政府花费了 25 万美元委托一家四人公司 Gladstone AI 撰写了一份研究报告《An Action Plan to Increase the Safety and Security of Advanced AI》。报告督促美国政府立即采取行动以避免 AI 带来的重大国家安全风险。报告认为在最糟糕的情况下 AI 构成了对人类的灭绝级威胁。报告的建议包括:国会应该对超过特定算力训练 AI…

AI 太燒錢新創玩不起,分析:新創利用 AI 吸金

AI 泡沫正在形成。號稱餐飲業最大的勞動力自動化技術提供者之一 Presto Automation 先前被美國監管單位踢爆 AI 技術其實是大批廉價勞工在運作,最近該公司失去大客戶,又宣布手頭資金即將耗盡,陷入營運危機。市場分析現在 AI 產業亂象百出,科技新創公司正在利用廉價勞工假 AI 之名吸納市場資金。 打著 AI 旗幟的新創公司愈來愈多,但真實性一直令投資人質疑,譬如一款名為 Nate…

Facebook is using AI to supercharge the algorithm that recommends you videos

Meta is revamping how Facebook recommends videos across Reels, Groups, and the main Facebook Feed, by using AI to power its video recommendation algorithm, Facebook head Tom Alison revealed on…


两年前 OpenAI 研究员 Yuri Burda 和 Harri Edwards 试图找到方法让大模型做基本算术。他们想知道需要多少两数相加的例子才能让大模型能完成任意两数相加的算术。一开始,他们进展不是很顺利。大模型能记住例子但无法解决新的加法。他们意外的让部分实验运行数天时间而不是预期的数小时。结果他们发现实验成功了,大模型能完成任意加法,只是所需的时间超出任何人的想象。…

Claude 3 擠下 GPT-4,全球最強AI模型一夕換人!秒讀萬字、幻覺率大幅降低,強在哪?

獲亞馬遜、Google投資的Anthropic,本周發表了Claude 3系列模型,號稱優於包括GPT-4在內的所有競爭對手,是目前最快最強大的模型,甚至在某些任務上展現「接近人類」的能力。 「今天,我們宣布推出Claude 3系列模型,它對廣泛的認知任務(cognitive tasks)奠定了新的產業標準。」Anthropic在官網上表示。 Anthropic推出全新模型「Claude 3」,…

OpenAI and Elon Musk

Working at the cutting edge of AI is unfortunately expensive. For example, In addition to DeepMind, Google also has Google Brain, Research, and Cloud. And TensorFlow, TPUs, and they own about a third…