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Hugging Face, the GitHub of AI, hosted code that backdoored user devices

Getty Images Code uploaded to AI developer platform Hugging Face covertly installed backdoors and other types of malware on end-user machines, researchers from security firm JFrog said Thursday in a…

How I turned my open-source project into a business

When I started writing and publishing open-source software about 15 years ago, I was pretty radical about it. I only used permissive licenses like MIT or BSD, as all I cared about was reach. Using a…

Is Tableau Dead?

Is Tableau Dead?No... and Yes. The momentum and community around Tableau has been lost. But current and projected future revenue growth is solid. It's not the company that it used to be, but it'll be…

A former Gizmodo writer changed his name to ‘Slackbot’ and stayed undetected for months

Hiding on Slack isn’t all that hard, apparently; you just have to pretend you’re a bot. That’s what IT Brew’s Tom McKay did when he left Gizmodo in 2022, and he went undetected by the site’s…


A short game on detecting AI-generated videos

Avast ordered to stop selling browsing data from its browsing privacy apps

Getty Images Avast, a name known for its security research and antivirus apps, has long offered Chrome extensions, mobile apps, and other tools aimed at increasing privacy. Avast's apps would "block…

Curl HTTP/3 security audit

An external security audit focused especially on curl’s HTTP/3 components and associated source code was recently concluded by Trail of Bits. In particular on the HTTP/3 related curl code that uses…

Africa is building a Great Green Wall to prevent expansion of the Sahara


The first round of U.S. secondary sanctions on Russia is working

Turkish banks halted transactions with Russian banks last month and are only slowly reintroducing payments for a narrow range of products that are on a so-called "green list," reports Ragip Soylu.…

Disrupting malicious uses of AI by state-affiliated threat actors

Based on collaboration and information sharing with Microsoft, we disrupted five state-affiliated malicious actors: two China-affiliated threat actors known as Charcoal Typhoon and Salmon Typhoon;…

Interview Warmup

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Questioning "The Value of Open Source Software"

Questioning “The Value of Open Source Software” tl;dr The new HBS working paper seems fundamentally flawed to me, though it has some helpful parts. Harvard Business School (HBS) recently published a…