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Africa is building a Great Green Wall to prevent expansion of the Sahara


The first round of U.S. secondary sanctions on Russia is working

Turkish banks halted transactions with Russian banks last month and are only slowly reintroducing payments for a narrow range of products that are on a so-called "green list," reports Ragip Soylu.…

Disrupting malicious uses of AI by state-affiliated threat actors

Based on collaboration and information sharing with Microsoft, we disrupted five state-affiliated malicious actors: two China-affiliated threat actors known as Charcoal Typhoon and Salmon Typhoon;…

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Questioning "The Value of Open Source Software"

Questioning “The Value of Open Source Software” tl;dr The new HBS working paper seems fundamentally flawed to me, though it has some helpful parts. Harvard Business School (HBS) recently published a…

Waymo car vandalized and lit on fire in San Francisco


Gemini can't show me the fastest way to copy memory in C# because it's unethical


A seafood firm wants to farm octopus. Activists say they're too smart for that

A Spanish seafood company says its octopus farm would benefit animals in the wild, citing growing demand for octopus meat. Here, an octopus is seen at the Get Fish market in Sydney, Australia, last…


localllm Run LLMs locally on Cloud Workstations. Uses: In this guide: This repository includes a Dockerfile that can be used to create a custom base image for a Cloud Workstation environment that…


Final Decision on Chromebook Case in Denmark

Final Decision on Chromebook Case in Denmark 03 Feb, 2024 This week saw a conclusion on the Danish Chromebook case. The result, long-awaited by father and privacy activist Jesper Graugaard, shows…

兒子密西根州校園槍擊 母親過失殺人罪成美首例

兒子密西根州校園槍擊 母親過失殺人罪成美首例(中央社華盛頓6日綜合外電報導)美國密西根州一名高中生2021年在校園開槍造成4死7傷。陪審團今天裁定,這名高中生的母親過失殺人罪成立,成為美國首位因小孩犯下大規模校園槍擊事件而被追究責任的家長。 法新社報導,現年17歲的克魯布里(Ethan Crumbley)因2021年11月30日在牛津高中(Oxford High School)犯下槍擊案,…